Body in Motion = Brain in Motion

A series of workshops with lecturers Cécile Da Costa and Robert Janč will introduce children from both levels of primary school and children with special learning needs to activities inspired by juggling and dance that develop coordination and motor skills, improving their attention and concentration while learning.

In addition to the positive impact on cognitive abilities, the activities also contribute to improving personal well-being, classroom climate and social connections. An essential part of the whole process is the joy and play that physical activity, and the circus itself, brings. The instructors give children the space to create and find their own unique material. The great variety of exercises allows individuals, pairs and groups to work together, encouraging imagination and creativity.

The project includes a professionally structured video support material that allows training outside of lessons, involving the family or teacher/educator. Trainers evaluate the process with teachers/caregivers and special educators throughout.

The workshops are taking place from September 2023 to June 2024 at Letohradská Primary School, Integrál Primary School and the Children’s Home Kralupy nad Vltavou. From September to December 2023, 36 lessons were held for 5th, 6th and 7th grade at the Letohradská Primary School and 36 lessons at the Children’s Home Kralupy nad Vltavou. From February to April 2024 there will be 36 lessons for 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade at the Integral Primary School and another 36 lessons at the Children’s Home Kralupy nad Vltavou. The series of workshops will end with an open lesson for parents and friends in all three institutions in the presence of the lecturers. After the workshops, the teachers should integrate the exercises into the school process and thus follow the course in regular teaching.

The outcome of the project is a sophisticated set of proven activities and exercises that will serve as a basis for training teaching staff and expanding the programme to other schools.

Project is supported by European Union (National Recovery Plan).